A Criminal Act and a Possible Solution.

I was the indirect victim of a criminal act this morning.

And this is the story.

My radio alarm clock goes off each morning at 6AM. However, I refuse to get up immediately if a crappy, annoying song is playing. Example R.E.M’s “Shiny Happy People”. (Other than that song I do like the band). The radio goes off. I curse the light. Or the dark. I refuse to discriminate. I hit the Snooze Alarm. And wait another ten minutes for the radio station to “Try Again”. The second song failed too. Snooze Alarm again. This is the reason why I refuse to play slot machines. The third attempt was the back up alarm. No radio. WTF? I had no electrical power. Anywhere in my apartment. So I had to get up and try to figure out why. My whole building was blacked out. There wasn’t any bad weather that may have caused the issue.

I went out outside to see what the trouble may be. And I found it at the end of my street in the form of flashing lights. It seemed that the police had to chase a vehicle. And the criminal behind the wheel try to evade them by taking out the fire hydrant along with the power pole for the block.

Here is how this affected me. No power. No coffeemaker. THUS I HAVE NO COFFEE! Here is a tip about how to deal with me in the morning. Especially early. DO NOT TALK TO ME UNTIL I HAVE HAD AT LEAST A FULL MUG OF COFFEE. Because if you do then all you sound like to me is that of an adult in a Peanuts cartoon. The 2o ounces of coffee in my mug is all that is keeping me from sending you to see the “afterlife”.

I still needed my coffee. I was forced to go searching for it. This led me to the local coffee/donut chain to serve my needs. I cannot mention the chain because what I am about to say may get my ass into trouble. They have mega amounts of money and lawyers. I do not. This chain seems to be located about ever mile in this area. However, convenient locations DOES NOT translate into good customer service. And sadly, overall it is in decline regardless of which one. One of their problem is their business plan. Build locations with small buildings at busy intersections. And then somehow be able to service hundreds of people in an hour. Their parking lots are a nightmare. They need to hire traffic control.

And now I have an idea. And it may help reduce crime. Or even help reform a criminal.

Here is my idea.

The problem with the state of current economy is that people with the right skills are not given a chance to demonstrate them. This chain needs to hire people who can give a needed addiction, collect the money and quickly move them on their way. So they should hire former drug dealers to manage the traffic at their locations. Drugs are supposedly pervade across our society. Yet I have never seen a traffic jam in front of a known drug house. These are people who know how to keep commerce moving. And they seem to have repeat customers too. The former drug dealer would have a chance to use a skill that would give them a legal paycheck. Plus his presence in the parking lot would give the impression of “enforcement” to idiots who do not know how to move quickly line so the people behind them can get their drug (I mean) coffee.

You do not need government programs. You need people who can assign the skill sets to right opportunity. This what will help the economy of this country. Not hand outs. Right people doing the right job.

With that logic.

Maybe I should get a Twitter account and run for office.

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