In the Context of Morality

 “There is nothing that needs reforming more than the habits of others” – Mark Twain

I am being to realize more and more everyday that I do not have a “pony” in every race of how people choose to live their lives. I have also been listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast when time allows. There are a lot of people who discount him because he was the host of Fear Factor. His podcast is nothing like that. He has some really interesting conversations with various guests over a whole range of topics. The subjects are not always something I am familiar with or have any real interest in at all. That’s fine. Too many people are only listening to whatever they do for “affirmation” and not necessarily “information”. For example, when he goes on about mixed martial arts or his own personal experimentation I have no real interest in but I do not fast forward through them either. There may be a chance I may find something new out in another avenue. He made this observation on one of the episodes which I will paraphrase “The Internet has allowed people to have the ability to see the world as a whole but I don’t think the human mind is wired to do so”.  I think there maybe some truth to that. The Internet has allowed us to take photos or videos and distribute them at a pace that is only gaining speed. However, with all these available our ability to derive any real context from them has not caught up to speed. A picture may be worth a thousand words but too many people out there are not willing to say more 2-5 words about what they see.

The other gift or curse of the Internet is it allows anyone to post any thought they may had. Read any response to a news story or YouTube clip and I realized too many people really contribute nothing of substance in their post writings. Especially, the ones writing behind the disguise of a made up screen name.  The other problem is most people based their replies on the highlights or speaking points of 30-60 second news story. An immediate story is not necessarily historical fact. History takes some time to figure out. I think all of the 24/7 news channels need a shot clock and cannot keep hammering on the same points. After watching a news story, people must take that information like swimming after eating. You have to wait at least 20-30 minutes before spewing your reply.

The other downside of the Internet is it allows anyone to state their opinion on anything. This is not necessarily a problem. However, it is when people turn out the “venom” when they hide behind a made up screen name. Remember a time when people secretly wanted a secret identity to fight crime. But today’s reality is that too many use a secret identity to spew hatred and ignorance on message boards or they are trying to “screw” someone they should not be touching what so ever. It is amazing that you could choose to be anything in this life and people choose to be ignorant.

Another problem is the Internet is turning too many people into writers are the same level as “tmz style” website. They feel the need to post “snarky” commentary about everything and everyone with an over charged sense of their own morality. How many times have you heard this comment? “If I was there I could have handled things better!” The truth is you may have an idea but you will never know until you are there. The live streaming video of news event may show you something. But remember you are not seeing all of it. What the camera does not show is having an effect on what is being shown. The truth or the lie is all in the editing. It is also very easy to ride on your high horse of morals when you are safely out of range of the bullets.

(NOTE: Before I go on any further with this posting. I am going to be mentioning a TV series and a movie. I am not going to write full reviews of them. I am just going to point out some things to take note of. I do not like writing full on reviews myself. I am not against others writing them. It is just not my approach. I like to point out certain things to suggest there is something there to be discovered. I do not want to tell you how to fully interpret a work. However, I am always open to a conversation afterwards if you have seen the works.)

Our current political and social landscape is being overwhelmed by rants about ideological differences. There is also a lot of criticism about people who are finding themselves between the “rock and a hard place”. It all goes back to people with opinions who are not there. Right now everyone needs to sit back a bit, take a deep breath and try to gain some perspective with the risk of becoming a bit empathetic towards others. I think the human condition is complicated and always will be. There will never be a self help style of book to simply as a whole explain it all. However, there might be one or two for a small portion of it. People want facts on the human condition as it stands now but are being fooled if that is being delivered with accuracy by 24/7 outlets. Sometimes, a fictional time show or a movie can do that better if you give it a chance. To all my teachers, TV is not always going to “rot my brain”. There are good “morality” plays on TV.


The “Rock and the hard place” is a state most people do not choose to be in. However, there is TV series where there is a group of people who choose a lifestyle that will always leave them in that predicament. This show also points out the schizophrenic nature of America. We love a good crime movie like The Godfather and at the same time fear we will be the next victim of crime.



Sons of Anarchy is the story of motorcycle club in small town. They run guns for living but do not allow their rivals to establish drug trade within the same town. The local police make side deals with them to keep everything in balance. The police look one way and the club looks another. The characters in this show are not stereotypes either. They are not your stereotypical bikers as portrayed on other TV shows.  The creators have done a good job giving them depth. They are complex people who have both good and bad within themselves. They seem to always have to be making hard choices for their lives which make them interesting and empathetic.

The framework of this show is a modern day adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.  The series starts with a young man finding a book from his dead father who was a founding member of the motorcycle club. The voice of the book warns of danger in the kingdom. The young man’s mother has remarried his father’s best friend in the club. The story builds from there. The first two seasons are streaming on Netflix.



LESSON: I was so engaged by this series that after the seeing the first two seasons that I had to go and find the third season on the Internet. It has not been released yet. So I did what I have never done before. I tried to view illegal copies on the web. And my anti-virus software went crazy. Lesson is. When trying to entertain yourself on the cheap you had better being using protection because you have a greater chance of contracting a virus.

Third Season is coming soon on DVD and the fourth season will soon be on the air.

“The rock and the hard place” is also being framed within the context of ideology. In other words, “I am right. You are WRONG!” The political discourse in this country reminds me of the behavior of five year olds on a playground. At least those children have the hope of growing out it. The adult politicians seem to regressing back into it. The worse apart about politics is it all about assigning blame and yet at the same time denying any responsibility for the situation. To ALL THOSE ELECTED TO SERVE. You can yell, “Fire!” all you want but could you also “PICK UP THE FIREHOSE and help put the fire out.” Remember you were elected to serve. Could you imagine a group of politicians working a fast food burger joint? They would all be yelling orders into the microphone and none of them would be working on the grills to make the burgers. They would then be dumb founded on why there were no burgers coming out. I would love to hear the “Democrat/Republican Conspiracy Spin” on why there were no burgers coming out.  It is all a lack of leadership by all. None of them know where to stand and what to do. And no one seems to be stepping up to the leadership position to assign people needed to get the job done.

Today, we have almost two years of campaigning for the Office of President of the United States. So we have two years of rants (not conversations) about ideological differences between those running for office and the person who has the office at the moment. And there has never been a time in the history of this country when only one party put someone up for the office. The problem is once I see the “D” or “R” after the person’s name I already know 95% about what they are going to say before they say it. It is just a lot wasted time and noise for nothing. I heard that the 2012 Presidential is going to have an estimated TWO BILLION DOLLARS spent on it. Given our current economic condition as a whole we should be outraged. There are so many better ways and causes to spend the money on. Here is my suggestion on how to stop it. The election involves way too much time and money for any agency to handle it. So I suggest we have the election run by E-Bay website. There is no way they would allow an auction (that what the election process has become) to go on for that long of time. And when the bid gets to an outrageous amount they declare “Fraud” and shut it down.

Here is a scene from a movie in which the undertone of the dialogue is about ideology. It comes from one of the closing scenes to end of the latest Star Trek movie. The Star Trek franchise is somewhat famous for it is use of time travel to bring different eras of characters together. Here brings together the new Spock with the original version (Leonard Nimoy)


Star Trek



Spock (Zachory Quinto) is half Human, half Vulcan and in this movie he is trying to figure out which side of being will be the one he follows throughout his life. He is also at odds with Kirk (Chris Pine) through the movie in what is the best method to achieve the best results. In this scene, those conflicts serve as the undertone to dialogue between the two. Leonard Nimoy tells his younger self that he should embrace the differences between him and Kirk. The both of your approaches are complementing each other as you towards the mutual goal. There is a synergy here that has yet to be discovered in this time line. And by the way, ideology as an absolute is ultimately not as important as you perceive it to be.

I realized what makes Star Trek different than much of the other science fiction franchises is that it has an optimistic tone about the future. There will still be problems in the future but working together can overcome them. And none of the characters state their political party before saying or doing anything.


In comes down to this. Life will never be fair. There are way too lawyers on this planet to allow this to happen. Insurance policy would not need to exist. Photoshop was secretly developed by funding from cosmetic surgeons who sold the idea to magazine cover editors. There is a lot of money to be made by people who think those doctored photos are basis of reality. Let us not forget bartenders and strippers would be out of work too. Their jobs are to service people who are not happy.

This world while you are alive will never operate 100% by your ideology alone. So make peace with that.


“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect” –    Mark Twain

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