NOTE: I need to say this first. There are times when I get some for lack of a better term “unique” premises for a posting. However, from time to time events happen outside that make me take pause and wonder if what I have to post is really worth it. And this one is no different. I really do not want to say anything about the “event(s)” themselves.
It comes down to what happens when the “horrendous illogical occurrence” slams very hard against what we believe to be the “logic of reality”. And from there trying to figure out what remains from it.
The problem with seeking answers is you have to know the right questions to begin with.
I am not sure.
But I decided to go with my original thoughts although I waited a few days to post them.
Please read this with the intended “grain of salt”.
Plus, there is no choice but to move forward
The Brad Pitt Somewhat Holiday Double Feature
Every year for Christmas I try to watch a very “non-Holiday” movie. I do not do it to be some type of “ironic hipster”. Although, it may appear that way to the mentally lazy who never engage something outside of their “comfort zone”. Honestly, I just do it to be “contrarian” to the mandates of the Season. It also does a good job of helping to make sure people do not “drop by and disturbing my peace”.
I am not sure if the following are going to be the Official Choice as of yet. I was looking through the DVD titles I have the other day and wondering which ones I might watch this year. The closest I have ever come to “Holiday” movie was when I watched Die Hard. It is a movie about a man who got to enjoy the Holiday Office Party by getting to actually shoot “the bad guys”.
This year’s selections both featured Brad Pitt.
I had to think about how both of these titles can fit into my Anti-Holiday Viewing Theme.
WARNING: Spoilers will be revealed. But honestly who has not seen this movie by now? And if you haven’t, you should be aware of what they contained by now.
Fight Club is both a good movie and a good book. And it a rare occurrence when a source creates two unique pieces of art.
The book I have a read several times over the years. However, with current “To Be Read” pile it will be a while before I reread this book. So in the meantime, I am going with the film version. This movie is about a man so closed off from his inner self by the way of how society forces a lot “external practices” on a person. He lashes out by creating a projection of himself as he wishes he was in order to deal with it. It is counter to the Season’s “hyper-consumerism” and the need to be seen everywhere with “decorations”. The Season is a very much an “in-your-face-and-you-better-not-even-think-of-blinking-about-it”.
The next selection is…
Seven is a movie that starred Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman tracking down a killer whose crime are based on the “Seven Deadly Sins”.
People and their sins is what drive this movie. I have always thought that the way our modern society practices the Christmas Season is more about “atoning” for their sins of the previous years. There is such pressure to buy that right gift to make someone “love you”. In way, it has become a way of “Playing God” by way of the credit card. “I give you this and you had better now give me that.” So many people play along thinking by changing “the externals” of person that they can “rewire” the inner self of that person. This time of year says more about the “giver” than the “recipient”. However, this was the year in which people did a lot more “shouting” at each other than “listening” to one another. So “Thanks for pretty nothing” all you Democrats and Republicans.
Who has not had a Christmas in which they dreaded “What’s in the box?”
But maybe I am just “Apathetic” to it all now.