Getting In and Out of My Head


decapitated-self fulfilling prophesy


This is the first Sunday almost a year and a half that I did not have to work. I wish it was a bit warmer so I could be outside. I like sitting in my yard with a cup of coffee and a book to read. This year I want to break up that routine with hiking, bike riding, geocaching, golf and maybe even fishing. It is just not quite warm enough to spend any great deal of time doing those. Yet.

I decided to get out of the house anyways. So I am at a coffee house with the laptop. I really do not like writing in public. I hate over hearing many of the conversations of others. I also do not like writing when people are looking over my shoulder. I especially hate it because those people, who do that never, ever seem to contribute back. But I decided to give it a try. Break routine. I usually write in private. I pace about. I talk to myself. I usually yell and threaten the computer about every 15 minutes or so.

The other problem, I have had was the Wi-Fi source near my workplace is very inconsistent during the day. My place at work has a very dictatorial ruling on using the computers. Plus, I never discuss anything in regards to my writing with them. It is not worth the trouble. I really do not to invite the “snide and insulting” remarks. It is bad enough I have to hear them every morning debating either the Bills or the Sabres. So I know what I will get. I was thinking about getting one of those mobile Wi-Fi hotspots. However, as I looked into the plans there data allowance would not help me. $10 would quickly be almost $50.

Is there a program out there capable of saving a page to read later? And it does not depend on an Internet signal to display content.

But I have to develop better habits to deal with the technical issues in which I will always seem to encounter.

So I need to update what I am working on.

This month’s issue of Writer’s Digest published their annual list of Top Websites for Writers. I wanted to try to link up and read more of them on a daily basis. Break time and lunch time would be ideal. But the signal problem does not help. The other thing is my Kindle never loses the signal. However, it is not exactly the best way to read webpages.

The other problem I have is when I get frustrated with the process. I have a tendency to “surf” looking for ideas. There is a file folder on my computer in which I save pictures I see. The reason is I think a good visual can lead to a story premise. I am not trying to steal the work of others. It is more a case of what a good picture (idea) can lead a person like me to create something. The influence of piece is what it causes the next step to be.

And these sites have given me enough to consider.


My Modern Metropolis

Easy Street Prompts

National Geographic

And not to mention the various ones that come up on Facebook feed.


I just wanted to point out the sources that I am in the midst of “sifting through”. And what is coming up in future postings.

In the meantime, leave a comment on anything posted on this site.

Feedback does help.

This entry was posted in Brain Fried, Prompted, The Mind Wanders, Web Site Postings, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

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