



This is a photo of the start to this year’s garden effort. I know I have a home that I rent out 75% to other people. I guess having a garden kinds of makes the place feel like a home.

I was outside the other night and thinking about what else it could mean to mean in a way. I think to avoid getting too stuck in any particular “mindset” there should be other activities to do. But not too many.

I was trying to figure out how this relates to writing.

The problem I have is trying to measures the growth with my writing. Feedback via deciphering inconsistent web stat charts is a bit frustrating. And can be misleading if I read too much into in.

The whole process is like planting seeds. You do the best to plant them. Cultivate them. However, how much they finally yield is completely out of your hands. It is all a never ending cycle of seasons with their particular amounts of “trial and error”.

The balance is between what you control and what is out of your hands.

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