

This is a companion to the previous posting before this one.

I wanted to point out some newer songs that have come across my playlist.

The first is the new song from the upcoming Nine Inch Nails’ album Hesitation Marks.

I have also admire Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails for willing to make music regardless of trends or expectations. He is also one of better musicians that can use modern technology to act as an actual musical instrument. I also like the music and its lyrics are a reflection of the willingness to “disassemble and reassemble” various emotions that are in play.

The next song, I heard when I have to work very late at night on Mondays. I do not remember which station I was streaming in the office at the time. There are some songs that get my attention when I am alone at night in the midst of something.


It was not something I would normally listen to. I just made note of it for another time to listen to it again. It is growing on me. All though most music videos themselves are kind of stupid with the visual imagery they employ.

And finally, the latest single from The Headstones. There are a regular on the Canadian rock station I get to listen to. I have almost all of their releases. And even have seen the a few times in concert.

I do not understand the whole US/Canadian relationship when it comes to music.

We want the “Rock”. And yet it seems like only the Celine Dion and Justin Beiber SHIT gets a foothold on the radio in this country.


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