


One of my goals is to overcome “resistance” when it comes to the writing. There is never going to be a perfect time and place for it either. However, cleaning up the place would help. And that is a whole other issue.

I put the “Writing Prompts” app on my Kindle. It has a whole bunch of prompts that you can go randomly about. I came across one. It just sat there before I went about writing about it. It just felt better to apply myself to doing something with it.

Here is my list in regards to this app and the process.

  1. This are meant to be short pieces. I hate getting caught up in a specific word count value.
  2. It is more of trusting my initial instincts about the prompt. And going with them.
  3. It is not about overloading on notes.
  4. The first draft is meant to get the ideas and the broad points down.
  5. Remembering: Rewriting is more important.
  6. First Draft: Door Closed.
  7. Second Draft On. Door Opened (That means feedback and comments)
  8. This is an exercise towards building “bigger and better”. It is really more about the later. It is about getting a better routine working.

I am not going to put this prompt before the posting which is coming later on.

Here is the preview for it.


Place: Under a bridge

Actor: A court reporter (For this story, I used the POV of 26 year old female)

Object: 14 blue candles

Smell: Bayberry

This entry was posted in Flash Ficiton, Life's Experiments, Prompted, Web Site Postings. Bookmark the permalink.

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