
Recently, I watched again Ron Howard’s 1995 movie Apollo 13. I have to admit that this movie still holds up after all this time. If you are interested in films, this one is a good example of editing. It is also a good example of knowing how the story (which was based on real events) is going to unfold at the end. Yet you are still on the “edge of your seat”.

I was watching this and there were a couple of scenes that contain lessons that can be applied to other things in life.



This scene shows that there are real limitations present to how a problem can be solved. In this day, the only option that ever seems to be the solution is to just move piles of money around. Has this really solved anything? If so please let me know. This shows people taking a look at what they had and going from there. What was on hand and in their hand. Not what maybe in someone else’s.

“Houston. We have a problem” was the quote used in the promotions of the film. The line does establish the plot for the movie. However, Ed Harris’ line in this clip is really what sets the tone for the second half of the movie.



Here he reminds his team that the problem has its own limitations and parameter to work in. Once again, any problem today pointed out by the mass media outlets or by politicians seems to be that all problems are massive, insurmountable and growing. The problem itself is really finite. (Remember the Y2K computer disaster of 2000?)

Define the problem and work from there is the message here. Once again find what is on hand and go from there.

Don’t add to it. Define it

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