
Every environment whatever it might be or wherever it is has its challenges to deal with.

Today, the winds are gusting hard and the snow drifting about.

Last week, this area had a blizzard. Lots of snow and cold came. The problem is when there is a warmth and rain that follows after it. It causes many of the streams, creeks and rivers in this area to experience ice jam flooding.

This photo was taken at Cazenovia Park in South Buffalo. The ice that came out of the creek there was about 6-8 feet thick in parts. And some of the pieces in this photo were about 50-75 feet long.



There are massive forces that work on you every given moment. You just have to be prepared as best you can to deal with them.

Good or bad.

Either way.

It is all “Aftermath” regardless.


The last image is a bit harsh to end on. Here is a link to a comic that sums up the stress for a person trying to operate in a “creation environment” from the website “The Oatmeal”.

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