I have to say I have been feeling a bit of “The Angst” lately. I am not going to go into the details of it because honestly “no one cares”. Nor should they. It is kind of reminiscent in a way of the angst most of us experienced in our younger years. What I know now that I did not know then is most of it is “just temporary”. So why can’t I just get “over with”? People you know become people you knew. Social Media becomes more about “name recognition” than anything else.
So why do I even bring this up. The main reason is it is the only thought in my head at the moment to write out. (There is more coming up though in future postings).
I also browse through the $5 album sales that are posted on Amazon’s website. It is just quicker and easier way to get music. And this month’s was selection was Twisted Sister’s album Stay Hungry. Yes, the heavy metal band that featured men in women’s make-up. In the early, 80’s this image was “sign of the end that was happening”. It freaked people out then. It probably helped them get played more on MTV at time. Those “Olden Days” when the station played music. Crazy. Besides Heavy Metal was being attacked all other the place at the time. And controversy always helps to increase the ratings. The song We’re Not Gonna to Take It was the “Anthem” hit at the time. Now, like the song We Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who it seems more of an “Irony” than a “Prophecy” after time.
The other hit song on the album was I Wanna Rock. I still like the song. But instead of turning up the volume to “drown out” the neighbors or co-workers, I just want to put in the ear buds and “tune them out”. I rather listen to what I like than spend time “explaining and defending” it.
I probably have not listened to album as whole since the late 80’s and could not find my cassette copy of it. (Yes, I still have them. And one day I will transfer them to digital). I have to say as whole this album holds up. And Hidden Gems are on the B-side. I am not going to explain this to anyone under 30. It would be like this video that makes you hate the children of today. And DAMMIT I do not want to be that old guy in the future yelling at kids to get “Off the Lawn!” I can still see the memory of the Old Man across the street that from April to September set out his lawn chair at 2:30/3:00 every day just to yell at kids coming home from school who might inadvertently set half a footstep on his lawn. I also remember he had THREE heart attacks one summer pushing his lawn mower. Some people just do not understand the significance of a “Clue”. That would come with the FOURTH heart attack that year while he was on the roof of his patio that took him for a “roll” and gravity did the rest. He did survive though, to never do yard work again in his life.
Here are the other songs featured on the album.
The first, the mandatory Power Ballad required on most albums at the time. However, it kind works out the “angst”.
The second could have worked well as a song in 80’s action movie. Possibly.
Finally, I know Heavy Metal takes a lot of criticism for being filled with angst.
Well, they do not have that “market” cornered.
Frank Sinatra made it a cornerstone of his music too. “Heart Break and Longing” was found in many of his songs too.
The Tune may change over time. But when you down to the “essence” there really isn’t “anything new under the sun”.