Steven Pressfield may call the interruption of creativity, “Resistance”.
I just call it a Pain in the Ass. Or this week a pain in the head. Every time, I start getting momentum it seems to come out of nowhere. I got hit with my seasonal allergies worse than ever this year that left me with headaches, congestion and itchy eyeballs. I could not focus my eyes to read anything. And for a person like me that is the worse side effect. So for the last few days it just meant a lot of naps and binge watching Netflix.
Also Labor Day weekend is a bit tough for me. It is hard to believe that it has been almost two years. I am not going to go into the details because delving into them is not going to change anything. It is what it was and nothing can change it. It was the realization of the “roller coaster ride that was soon to happen and it was going to end well”. Little did I know at the time it would take less than two weeks to happen back then. Being all that, I still have to find some “humor” in it all. Somewhere. Somehow. I have been on a Bob Newhart kick lately. The photo above is an actual statue dedicated to him and his sitcom. People actually go there to have their picture taken while sitting on the couch. I think people want to experience (metaphorically) that someone is “taking note” of them. But finding that “balance” over the last couple of years has been s struggle. I cannot control the audience but I can control my “output” here. I just wish my head could clear out. F-N allergies. And then some.