
I am in the process of retrieving my files and transferring them to my new laptop computer. Another word of advice. Not only remember your passwords. Remember your settings and configurations too. Eliminate any potential stress when you can.

Also Windows 10 takes a bit to get use to.

I was out a computer for a couple of weeks. My company had an employee discount program but you have to order through them to take advantage. So during the wait I was outlining ideas on notepads. It is now a process of weeding through them. The hardest part is picking where to start that process. The best option was anywhere.

I have been stuck on the idea of the paradigm within the notes I had. Paradigm is the word describing the pattern, model or framework. If you have ever done any screenwriting exercises the term paradigm comes up frequently. Prime reference is the Syd Field Paradigm that will be frequently quoted. It can be useful. However, sometimes it becomes a trap too. There is a point when too much analysis can almost destroy the original idea.

But the funny part is that this premise has been working in other parts of my life.

As I look at the model or the framework of many of my relationships I can see the paradigm has shifted too. A few weeks ago, I went to a gathering I had avoided for a while. But the month of September has been a challenge for me for the last three years. It took a bit to find its new normal. All I can say about the event (for myself) is the elements are still there but there has been a shift. It is not a bad thing and there is some good things there too. But it is different.

It is what it is.

And time will always being make the changes.

Make of the best of it. Move forward.

Back to the notepads.

One the best parts of a Coen Brothers’ film is the soundtrack. This was featured in The Big Lebowski. It is the song stuck in my head whenever I am thinking about the Paradigm.


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