Category Archives: Writing
Searching for that Right Mistake
I know I have written a few posts (maybe too many) about my own short comings on staying focused when it comes to writing. It is also a by-product of my circumstances. I am attempting to do something that no … Continue reading
In the Midst of All the Chaos
I needed to post something. The last week and half I have been in the grasp of the very powerful “YouTube/NetFlix/” Worm Hole. So I need get back to the writing. I am also a bit frustrated by my mail … Continue reading
Always in Flux: A Matter of Situations and Circumstances
I think the hardest think I have to constantly remind myself about is that there is never the perfect time to do anything. Any moment offers an unforeseen challenge. But why in my case does it always involve a trip … Continue reading
Assembling the Pieces in Motion
I do not think many people take the time to see how things they do in life are related to each other. I think most people compartmentalize many aspects of their own lives. However, it is problem an instinct of … Continue reading
“What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee?”
I am beginning to hate winter. I have a feeling the TV stations constantly scrolling “warnings of impending doom” does help either. I hate driving in it. You would think in the Buffalo NY area everyone would be an expert … Continue reading