Sleepwalk with Me

Examining one’s life is never an easy process. Especially do it by yourself. The problem is you are locked in a room with your greatest ally and your worst enemy all in one. And left without a referee to mediate those two sides.

Comedian Mike Birbiglia has a line in his act which goes “What I should have said was…Nothing…But what I said was…”



I recently downloaded Sleepwalk with Me. Mike Birbiglia has the awkward duty of making himself the punch line to fallacies of his own life. This is his story of how he was in denial of his sleepwalk habit. However, he was also in denial about how his life was going (or in this case not going) in regards of his own career and his relationships.


Everyone goes through a time when things need to change within their life. The first step is getting beyond the denial. The scarier part of this change has to accept that not everyone there is going to survive that journey.

And that’s life.




He also adapted this material into a fictional movie story. (Streaming on Netflix)

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